Institut Fayol – Mines St Etienne

PhD offer : Service ramp‐up management considering sustainability and risks

The thesis work will be structured as follows :

  • Analyse the context of service in the manufacturing sector and in particular in additive manufacturing and in healthcare sector. This will rely on scientific literature and on surveys among relevant practitioners.
  • Study and apply principles of agile project management to the context of ramp‐up/ramp‐down management in service domain.
  • Study the integration of sustainability indicators into risk management to assess ramp‐up/ramp‐down strategies.
  • Analyse simulation approaches to select the most appropriate one.s and build a simulation model to assess ramp‐up/ramp‐down strategies.

From a scientific point of view, the thesis will allow a breakthrough from a conceptual and methodological point of view on the convergences between the objectives of sustainability, customer orientation and economic growth.
Among the expected deliverables from the thesis, can be cited the following :

  • A pool of best practices for (service) ramp‐up management derived from industrial uses cases and scientific literature review.
  • A framework consisting of a guideline and a software tool (implementing the simulation model) for service ramp‐up projects management.
  • A proof of concept from additive manufacturing (and healthcare) sectors.

Applications are open until April 30

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